All files / src/internal/client/dom/blocks html.js

95.52% Statements 128/134
85.41% Branches 41/48
100% Functions 2/2
95.16% Lines 118/124

Press n or j to go to the next uncovered block, b, p or k for the previous block.

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/** @import { Effect, TemplateNode } from '#client' */
import { FILENAME, HYDRATION_ERROR } from '../../../../constants.js';
import { block, branch, destroy_effect } from '../../reactivity/effects.js';
import { hydrate_next, hydrate_node, hydrating, set_hydrate_node } from '../hydration.js';
import { create_fragment_from_html } from '../reconciler.js';
import { assign_nodes } from '../template.js';
import * as w from '../../warnings.js';
import { hash } from '../../../../utils.js';
import { DEV } from 'esm-env';
import { dev_current_component_function } from '../../runtime.js';
import { get_first_child, get_next_sibling } from '../operations.js';
 * @param {Element} element
 * @param {string | null} server_hash
 * @param {string} value
function check_hash(element, server_hash, value) {
	if (!server_hash || server_hash === hash(String(value ?? ''))) return;
	let location;
	// @ts-expect-error
	const loc = element.__svelte_meta?.loc;
	if (loc) {
		location = `near ${loc.file}:${loc.line}:${loc.column}`;
	} else if (dev_current_component_function?.[FILENAME]) {
		location = `in ${dev_current_component_function[FILENAME]}`;
		location?.replace(/\//g, '/\u200b') // prevent devtools trying to make it a clickable link by inserting a zero-width space
 * @param {Element | Text | Comment} node
 * @param {() => string} get_value
 * @param {boolean} svg
 * @param {boolean} mathml
 * @param {boolean} [skip_warning]
 * @returns {void}
export function html(node, get_value, svg, mathml, skip_warning) {
	var anchor = node;
	var value = '';
	/** @type {Effect | undefined} */
	var effect;
	block(() => {
		if (value === (value = get_value() ?? '')) {
			if (hydrating) {
		if (effect !== undefined) {
			effect = undefined;
		if (value === '') return;
		effect = branch(() => {
			if (hydrating) {
				// We're deliberately not trying to repair mismatches between server and client,
				// as it's costly and error-prone (and it's an edge case to have a mismatch anyway)
				var hash = /** @type {Comment} */ (hydrate_node).data;
				var next = hydrate_next();
				var last = next;
				while (
					next !== null &&
					(next.nodeType !== 8 || /** @type {Comment} */ (next).data !== '')
				) {
					last = next;
					next = /** @type {TemplateNode} */ (get_next_sibling(next));
				if (next === null) {
				if (DEV && !skip_warning) {
					check_hash(/** @type {Element} */ (next.parentNode), hash, value);
				assign_nodes(hydrate_node, last);
				anchor = set_hydrate_node(next);
			var html = value + '';
			if (svg) html = `<svg>${html}</svg>`;
			else if (mathml) html = `<math>${html}</math>`;
			// Don't use create_fragment_with_script_from_html here because that would mean script tags are executed.
			// @html is basically `.innerHTML = ...` and that doesn't execute scripts either due to security reasons.
			/** @type {DocumentFragment | Element} */
			var node = create_fragment_from_html(html);
			if (svg || mathml) {
				node = /** @type {Element} */ (get_first_child(node));
				/** @type {TemplateNode} */ (get_first_child(node)),
				/** @type {TemplateNode} */ (node.lastChild)
			if (svg || mathml) {
				while (get_first_child(node)) {
					anchor.before(/** @type {Node} */ (get_first_child(node)));
			} else {